Beyond Solitaire Podcast 82: Damon Stone and Ted Torgerson on Free At Last -

Beyond Solitaire Podcast 82: Damon Stone and Ted Torgerson on Free At Last

Beyond Solitaire
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This week on the pod, Damon Stone and Ted Torgerson are here to discuss their upcoming game, Free At Last. This game focuses on the Civil Rights Movement and can be played cooperatively or semi-cooperatively. Most importantly, there is a ton of history packed into it!

Beyond Solitaire is proudly sponsored by Central Michigan University’s Center for Learning Through Games and Simulations, where learning can be both playful and compelling. Check them out here:

BIG NEWS: CLGS is now doing online game design classes that you can take from home, and they will have several new offerings this year. Keep an eye on this page:

All episodes of my podcast are available here:

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