How To Remove Ads From Solitaire Collection In Windows 10
Craig Weinhold
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This video walks through configuring Windows Firewall to block Internet access for Microsoft Solitaire Collection. This causes Solitaire to run in offline mode and not display ads.
Games in offline mode will be missing internet-connected features, such as badges, challenges, social, etc. You may also be limited to Easy & Random decks and may need to click past “are you sure you want to play offline?” nag messages, though these annoyances seem to be gone from later versions (eg, 4.10.9220.0 Oct 2021).
Automatic software updates to the game will eventually undo this, requiring you to reapply the block. To avoid this, disable Microsoft Store updates (in Microsoft Store | Settings, turn “update apps automatically” to OFF).
This technique has proven to work for other Microsoft games, such as Treasure Hunt.